
Colorado Rental Laws - an Overview of Landlord Tenant Rights in Denver

Colorado Rental Laws - an Overview of Landlord Tenant Rights in Denver

  As parties to the Colorado lease or rental agreement, both the landlord and the tenant are required to adhere to the Colorado landlord-tenant law. The landlord tenant law states the rights and landlord tenant responsibilities, among other things. Failure by one party to adhere to the terms means the aggrieved party has a right to seek legal redress. If you are a tenant or landlord seeking to learn more about the Colorado landlord-tenant law, here’s an overview to get you started. Required Landlord Disclosures in Colorado As a landlord, you o…

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Best Neighborhoods in Denver, Colorado

Best Neighborhoods in Denver, Colorado

  From the stately Victorian houses of Five Points to the hip restaurants and nightclubs of historic LoDo, Denver’s laid-back attitude is exemplified in its neighborhoods.  Each year, roughly 80,000 people move to Denver, making it have the highest growth rate of any American city. Denver has 78 neighborhoods. That means there’s something for every age, lifestyle, and budget. Looking for a place to live in the Mile High City? If so, here are 8 of Denver greatest neighborhoods to choose from.   The Best Places to Live in Denver, Colorado:   1. …

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Guide to the Eviction Process in Colorado

Guide to the Eviction Process in Colorado

  In Colorado, evictions are sometimes referred to as “Forcible Entry & Detainer” (FED). A landlord must carefully follow all the rules and procedures set forth by Colorado’s rental law when evicting a tenant. Failure to do this and the eviction process may not succeed. “Self-evictions” are illegal in Colorado. This means you cannot lock out the renter, terminate essential utilities or services, take out the tenant’s belongings, or threaten the tenant. As a Denver real estate & property management company we are familiar with the Color…

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Fall 2017 Rental Market Update by Colorado and Company

Below is an open letter by our esteemed colleagues from Colorado and Company. They are mostly talking about the Denver Downtown market, but we strongly feel that these trends are relevant for the entire metro area. "As we head into the winter, with cold weather and the holidays approaching, leasing tends to slow. In addition to the cold weather, traditionally smaller tenant pool, and the holidays making moving hard, it is important to remember other trends that are taking place in the metro leasing market. Rental Inventory Update 2017 has seen …

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Important Details About Breaking a Lease in Colorado

Important Details About Breaking a Lease in Colorado

DISCLAIMER: This information provided by Evolve Real Estate & Property Management is for general information only. While this is a helpful overview, we make no representation or warranty of any kind regarding this information. If you need legal advice, get in touch with a licensed attorney and do not contact Evolve Real Estate & Property Management for legal advice.   In Colorado, a lease between a landlord and a tenant is a legally-binding contract. If you have signed one and you break it, you risk legal and financial repercussions. T…

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